I love this dish. Tikka Masala chicken! Perfectly seasoned, creamy, thick sauce, and in it immersed pieces of good meat, marinated for several hours. To top it off, coriander, which I always don't have enough and crunchy, delicious naan breads.
This is one of my spectacular dishes. In the vegetarian version, instead of chicken, you can add tofu and marinate them in a similar way. 


What do you need to marinate chicken?

2 chicken breasts
1 large Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons garam masala
half lemon juice
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon sweet pepper
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
Cut the chicken breast into cubes.
Mix all marinade and chicken ingredients in a large bowl.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 2 hours, preferably all night.

How to make tikka masala sauce?

What you need?
3 tablespoons butter
1 large white onion
1 chili pepper
5 cloves garlic
2 cm piece of fresh ginger
3 teaspoons garam masala
1 teaspoon sweet pepper
2 cups tomato passata
1 red pepper
can of coconut milk (or 1.5 cans if the sauce is too intense for you) in taste)
salt to taste
Prepare all ingredients first.
Chop the onion finely.
Chop the chilli finely (preferably with gloves)
Cut the chilli into pieces.
Grate the ginger.
Heat a large saucepan and heat butter.
When it melts, fry the onion on it, after a while, add garlic, chilli pepper and ginger, squeezed by Prague.
Mix everything thoroughly for a few minutes, making sure that nothing burns.
Reduce fire. The whole is to brown slightly. Add a little water if needed.
Add spices: garam masala, sweet pepper and mix the whole thoroughly.
Add tomato passata, chopped paprika and coconut milk.
Cook the sauce on medium heat.
When the pepper is soft, remove the sauce from the heat and wait until it cools down a bit.
Then blend it to a smooth mass and season with salt at the end.
Take the chicken out of the marinade and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake it at 180-200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Add to the sauce and mix thoroughly. When I don't have much time, I add chicken without marinade directly to the sauce and cook it in it - this is also a good option.


Naan breads are very easy to make. It's like with any bakery product - at some point you just get the experience. They always bring a smile to your face. Especially when I still take it out to the table, I lightly grease it with butter, which melts on it quickly. Add a pinch of salt, a pinch of your favorite herbs and you can start your feast.

How to make naan bread?

25 g yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
cup of warm water
4.5 cup wheat flour
teaspoon salt
cup of natural yogurt
2 tablespoons oil
Crumble yeast, add sugar and warm water. Mix and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes until air bubbles form on the surface.
In a bowl of a food processor or simply in a large bowl, put flour, salt, oil, yogurt and add leaven.
Knead the dough for a few minutes.
Cover the kneaded dough with a cloth and set aside in a warm place for an hour. I additionally wrap the bowl with a blanket. ðŸ™‚
After an hour, knead the dough once more for a while, and then with your hands with flour, form balls and then pancakes.
I don't fry naan breads in a frying pan according to the art. I prefer one out of the oven.
So I set the oven to 200 degrees only until I have warmed up so I put pancakes located on a baking tray lined with paper. I bake for about 10 minutes, until lightly browned on top. You will know when they are ready🙂

What do you serve chicken tikka masala with?

And now the most pleasant part. I cook brown rice in salted water. I chop a lot of coriander in a bowl. I heat the chicken tikka masala sauce and translate into a large bowl.
Warm naan breads grease with butter, sprinkle with a little salt, sometimes garlic and herbs and cut into triangles.
I put it all on the table and start the feast🙂
I hope you will do yours. It will be delicious!

Maybe you fancy a Caribbean chicken?

Or a quick soup for autumn shame?
Have a good day!

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